The Butterfly and KRST-Consciousness

According to Egyptian scholar and spiritualist, Gerald Massey, the original ancient Egyptian (Kemetic) meaning of the term, “Christ” (originally spelled, “KRST”) is “mummy.” It’s important to note that the original ancient Egyptian written language (Medu Netcher) did not have vowels in its writing system, so the sounds were to be inferred by the speaker.

The word “KRST,” can be broken into the following two syllables: “K” and “RST.” The “K” sound is pronounced “ka” and it means “spirit.” “RST” is pronounced “rest,” and it means “rise.” Thus, KRST means the “rising spirit.” The ancient Egyptians believed that it was the spirit that rises upward after a literal or psychologically transformative death. Consequently, Massey translated KRST into mummy - an enwrapped and preserved dead body whose spirit is believed to transcend corporeal death.

The ancient Egyptians were astute observers of nature, and they often referred to natural phenomena for metaphorical purposes. For example, when they observed a caterpillar transform into a butterfly, they noticed that it entered into a chrysalis (etymologically related to Christ), underwent a metamorphosis, and then emerged from its dormant state as a butterfly. When the caterpillar entered into the chrysalis, it appeared as if it was a dead body that was mummified. However, after a period of dormancy, it transformed into a butterfly. The ancient Egyptians represented spiritual elevation with creatures that fly, hence the butterfly represented spiritual ascension.

The ancient Egyptians believed that everyone could achieve KRST-consciousness, so this analysis is relevant to all of us. With this understanding, it means that embodying Christ (KRST) signifies undergoing a spiritual metamorphosis and achieving spiritual elevation. This is the allegorical meaning behind Christ being born in a lowly status (caterpillar), realizing his divinity, undergoing tribulations, dying, being wrapped in cloth, being entombed (chrysalis/mummified), rising from the dead, and then ascending to heaven (butterfly). The story of Christ (KRST) represents the transition from a lowly status to an elevated spiritual one after undergoing a metamorphosis, and it’s a story that everyone has the capacity to experience, metaphorically speaking.

When ancient Egypt was conquered by Greece in 332 BCE, and Rome in 30 BCE, the term, KRST, was adapted and conferred upon Jesus. Thus, Jesus was referred to as Jesus the Christ (KRST) in the AD era. Those who are merely steeped in the Europeanized Christian tradition will argue that Christ means "the anointed one." This is in part true, but it is a later Greek definition that means to "rub or anoint with oil," which was a part of the mummification process that the ancient Egyptians engaged in. The ancient Greeks and Romans gleaned this idea from the ancient Egyptians and associated "Christ" with "the rubbing of oil" or "anointing.”

Jesus is often discussed as a unique exemplary figure of history, but the truth is that his story is about every human being who has been endowed with a divine spirit that is yearning to be realized (Psalms 82:6, John 10:34-36; Luke 21:17). If one looks closely and properly deciphers the allegorical meaning underneath the narrative of Jesus’ life, one has the potential to see themselves in his story, and ultimately achieve KRST-consciousness.


Browder, A. (1992). Nile valley contributions to civilization: Exploding the myths – Volume 1. The Institute of Karmic Guidance.

Harpur, T. (2004). The pagan christ: Is blind faith killing Christianity. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Massey, G. (1907). Ancient Egypt: The light of the world: A work of reclamation and restitution in twelve books.

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